The Garth Boomer Resource Centre

The new Resource Centre, opened in November 2010, provides resources to students to assist them with their learning at school, and for personal recreation and relaxation. Students use the Resource Centre with their class, and are also welcome to use resources at lunchtime, before and after school. In the new building, the more formal resources are complimented by learning through the Interactive White Board and the Computer Suite.

In collaboration with the Teacher Librarian, teachers plan units of work from the school Scope and Sequence using Inquiry Methodology. The Inquiry Methodology provides students with situations and experiences in which they use a variety of thinking skills to pose questions and seek answers through research.

Through the Inquiry Methodology, students are provided with opportunities to develop the capacity to recognise a need for information, to know how and where to find it from a range of sources, and how to select, organise and communicate it to others. The skills required to analyse, interpret, synthesise and organise information are introduced developmentally from the Early Years all the way through to Year 7, while being aware of the individual needs and competencies of students. These skills will enable our students to become Information Literate, thereby allowing them to be independent lifelong learners, functioning successfully in a continually changing society.

The Resource Centre staff welcomes all students and hope their visits are a positive learning experience.

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