Preschool Site Improvement Plan 610KB

Littlehampton Preschool

Welcome to Littlehampton Preschool, (formerly called Child Parent Centre), a place where children delight in learning through an exciting, caring and supportive environment. we are inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, which uses a Project Approach, that is, inquiry based learning.

Reggio Emilia is one of the greatest educational philosophies to influence the western world. It values the child's right to play and portrays a rich image of the child that is unique, competent and able to guide their own learning. For more information on our philosphy, click here!  Philosophy

Preschool Sessions

Full time preschool begins the term after your child's fourth birthday. We are now offering 15 hours of Preschool program. The fees are $100 per term.

Current sessions are full days only and children come in Group A or Group B:

  • Group A:  Monday and Tuesday from 8.45am to 3:00pm and every second Friday from 8:45am - 1:45pm
  • Group B:  Wednesday and Thursday from 8:45am to 3:00pm and every second Friday from 8:45am - 1:45pm
  • We offer 2 pre-entry visits on Friday afternoons in the Term prior to commencing at Preschool.
  • Playgroup: 9.00am to 11.00am on Fridays.  Playgroup meets in the OSHC building, and is operated by parents

Starting School

Before commencing school, children are invited to four orientation visits with their Junior Primary class. This transition program is to help familiarize both student and parent with the school and is held in the term preceding starting at school.

A meeting is arranged where new parents meet with the Principal. They are given the opportunity to become familiar with the learning program and the organisation of the school and to ask any relevant questions.  A parent information session is offered in the first two weeks of school, with parents given the opportunity to meet with the teacher and hear about the class program.

In addition, whenever appropriate, the Preschool children join in school activities, such as assemblies and special events days, as well as using the library regularly.

Belonging, Being, Becoming.. our Early Years Curriculum Framework

The Preschool is play based and is guided by The Early Years Learning Framework. It is built around five Learning Outcomes:

  • Children have a strong sense of identity
  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world
  • Children have a strong sense of well being
  • Children are confident and involved learners
  • Children are effective communicators

Preschool Policies- A link to the DECD website, where a full range of policies which apply to our Preschool can be found.

This information is required under the National Quality Standard.

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